Did you know?

Did you know?

Featured in: The Red Book 

Did you know? In September, Linda, Nick and I were featured in The Red Book Magazine for the article: “Art in the Family”. I discussed travels, my native desert home, artistic influences, my casting process and more. Read More Here

Mentioned in Phoenix Home & Garden Magazine

“Rosa Kilgore, a renowned jewelry maker whose unique works are sold in galleries and boutiques across the southwest…”

Featured Artist at Phoenix Art Museum Store Show

My first museum trunk show! November 2018 I was the featured artist at the Museum Store’s Small Business Saturday event. I was thankful to be recognized by such a renowned organization.


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Studio Journal

Masters of the Southwest: Nicholas Bernard

Masters of the Southwest: Nicholas Bernard

I am super excited to announce an artistic collaboration with renowned studio potter Nicholas Bernard! Recognized as one of Phoenix Home and Garden’s Masters of...

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Spring/Summer 2024: EXPANSE

Spring/Summer 2024: EXPANSE

ELEVATE, where wide open spaces meet endless possibilities and the magic of the moment lies in the space between. Inspired by the vastness of the...

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